Brian is in Kathmandu

Hello Everyone, 

My name is Matt and I am on the Board for H.A.N.D. I wanted to provide a brief update of H.A.N.D. activities. Our executive director, Brian arrived in Nepal on Sunday and is on the ground working with victims already. Brian's Monday plan is to visit and provide support for Ganga who is leprosy affected. He will also meet with in country contacts to work out some logistics for future missions. Tuesday, Brian will meet with board member Tendi, who will work directly with Brian  on remote relief projects in villages that have yet to receive support.  

This week, Brian and team will have an opportunity to do a 15 hour relief run of 3200 lbs of rice and relief supplies to the remote mountainous regions of Nepal. The mission will be to load the truck, provide protection for workers, and distribute the supplies in an orderly fashion.  This village area has not had any relief yet, so their work there is important.  

On the home front, we continue to receive overwhelming support for H.A.N.D. Your donations, positive thoughts, and energy have made the work of H.A.N.D. possible. Please continue to tell your family, friends, co-workers, and strangers about our organization. Thank you for making our work possible.