Curtis, Dolahka, Logistics, and more


Before, we start with the update, I want to acknowledge the work of Curtis who lives in Nepal and is the in country contact for many of our missions. Curtis is a very important part of our team in Nepal and we could not do our work without him. He is heavily involved in all of our projects and we are grateful for him. Thank you Curtis!

Brian  is still at the Dolahka military base. He is waiting for a helicopter as the weather has taken a turn for the worse. Last night, Nepal had a serious rain which makes everything unstable especially in Dolahka. The hill region where Brian is can be very dangerous to fly. The hills are big and seem to come out of nowhere when flying. Therefore, we are waiting for the weather to clear a bit before Brian continues with the mission of body recovery.

In Kathmandu, Curtis is working on logistics for volunteers that will be joining the HAND team on ground in Nepal. The HAND team continues to grow, with another Belgium joining our mission. Curtis has put him in charge of learning the building system the team will use to construct homes. Curtis will be purchasing more supplies, tools, etc. in the coming days so we can continue our work.

Curtis will be heading to Dolakha in a couple days and when he and Brian both are in Kathmandu (within the next week or so), they will head to Routbesi to build the labor and delivery center. In the meantime, the HAND team will be building a temporary home for rescued girls of human trafficking who's home was destroyed in the earthquake and continuing the work in Dolahka. 

Posted by Matt E. Please consider a tax free donation to HAND